Panel Connection – Dial Capture

Manufacturer Cooper Safety/Eaton
Model Scantronic 8136
Minimum Panel Firmware V5.1
Cable required?

MCM connected to

  • DualCom Pro 1 - MCM plug-on module CS.1.402
  • DualCom Pro 2 - DI & AL
Panel Profile
Panel Connection Dial Capture
Technical Notes


DualCom Pro to Panel Wiring

DualCom Pro 1 - MCM plug-on module - Line A
DualCom Pro 2 - DI
DualCom Pro 1 - MCM plug-on module - Line B
DualCom Pro 2 - AL

Panel Config

(Menu>)= X key

(Enter) = Tick key

Default Keypad User code = 1234 (Menu)

Panel Login

  1. [0 Installer Programming] will be displayed, press (Enter)
  2. [00 Program System] will be displayed, input 71
  3. [71 Communication options] will be displayed, press (Enter)
  4. [Dial Type] will be displayed, set to ‘DTMF’ and press (Enter)
  5. [Call Mode] will be displayed, set to ‘Single’ and press (Enter)
  6. [3 Way Call] will be displayed, set to ‘Disabled’ and press (Enter)
  7. [Dynamic Test] will be displayed, set to ‘Disabled’ and press (Enter)
  8. [Static Test] will be displayed, set to ‘Disabled’ and press (Enter)
  9. [Line Integrity] will be displayed, set to ‘Disabled’ and press (Enter)
  10. [Line Monitor] will be displayed, set to ‘Enabled’ and press (Enter)
  11. [Report Restorals] will be displayed, set to ‘Enabled’ and press (Enter)
  12. [Log with Partns] will be displayed, set to ‘Enabled’ and press (Enter)
  13. [Format] will be displayed, set to ‘Extended SIA 3’ and press (Enter)
  14. [SIA Tone Format] will be displayed, set to ‘Bell 103’ and press (Enter)
  15. [Report Mode] will be displayed, set to ‘Full’ and press (Enter)
  16. [TA->BA] will be displayed, set to ‘Enabled’ and press (Enter)
  17. [Acknowledge] will be displayed, set to ‘Tonal’ and press (Enter)
  18. [71 Communication options] will be displayed, input 72
  19. [72 Program Phone Numbers] will be displayed, press (Enter)
  20. [T01:Number=] will be displayed, press (Enter)
  21. Input a random telephone number, press (Enter)
  22. Note: number must NOT be ‘123456’
  23. [T01:Account No] will be displayed, press (Enter)
  24. Input account or site ID, press (Enter) twice

Panel Setting for UDL:

  1. The panel's call-back feature requires enabling successful UDL communications.
  2. After engineer login.
  3. [0 Installer Programming] will be displayed, press (Enter)
  4. [00 Program System] will be displayed, input 73
  5. [73 Downloader Options] will be displayed, press (Enter)
  6. [Account Name] will be displayed
  7. Input account name, and press (Enter). Note: The account name must match what is stored in the UDL application
  8. [Rings to Answer] will be displayed, Input 1, press (Enter)
  9. [Answer on 1 Ring] will be displayed, set to ‘Disabled’, press (Enter)
  10. [Secure Callback] will be displayed, set to ‘Enabled’, press (Enter)
  11. [T01:Download No] will be displayed, press (Enter)
  12. Input ‘123456’, press and then press (Menu)